We also treat and make precision machine parts, including e.g. sliding components, bearings, nozzles, pistons made of technical ceramics (silicon carbide, aluminium oxide) that belong to modern advanced structural materials – of high abrasion resistance, corrosion-resistant and with excellent sliding properties.

SILICON CARBIDE SiC Silicon carbide is one of the hardest known structural materials. This material is used because of its characteristic properties: | |
– very high hardness (approx. 2500 HV) – excellent abrasion resistance – very good chemical resistance, also in high temperatures – thermal decomposition only above 2000 °C – good mechanical strength in high temperatures – high thermal conductivity – resistance to thermal shocks (Δ~250°C) – low thermal expansion (4.3 – 5.8 x 10-6 K) – low density (approx. 3.1g/cm3) Due to the method of production, we can distinguish e.g.: – sintered silicon carbide – reaction-bonded silicon carbide SiSiC | |
A characteristic feature of silicon carbide, beside the aforementioned ones, is also that its mechanical strength does not change while the temperature grows even to 1800°C. When building machine parts of technical ceramics one should pay attention to the fact that they are best in carrying compressive loads, whereas they poorly stand stretching and compression. |

It used to be the most often used structural material before silicon carbide. It is characterised by (see the properties): – high abrasion resistance – high corrosion resistance – temperature stability |